Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Prayer of Observation

In the morning of our contemplation
we watch for the pale sky
on nothing but a seamless now.

We lose ourselves in the prayers of observation
where hibiscus petals unfurl nectar havens
waiting for bees,
and every blade of grass is felt under our feet.

The early sun is drawing us higher
where spirits merge with yours.

Lying on our backs we feel the earth 

but it is the sky drawing pictures of birds
whirling into breakfast,
it is the clouds with no hurry
that hold our attention.

And it is ourselves we find no longer jaded
created on a morning in Eden
so many years ago, breathed from clay
into life.

Jenneth Graser

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Love of the Godhead

The Trinity ever before me
The Blessed Trinity hand in hand
A perfect circle around me
Deep in the centre of love.

The Father around me
The Son around me
The Spirit around me
Three in One around me.

The Godhead at my back
A shield in my left hand
A sword in my right hand
The Mighty Three undergirding me.

Christ at my side, ever beside me
Spirit in my breath, ever inside me
Father at one with my living spirit.

The blessings of the Father on my head
The blessings of the Spirit on my spirit
The blessings of Christ on my heart, mind and soul.

The love of the Godhead on me
The mighty tide of love
Living water rushing through me
The mighty tide of love
The love of the Godhead on me.

Jenneth Graser
(In honour of St Patrick's Day)

Listen to Encircling by Iona

Saturday, March 11, 2017

You Will Fill This Temple

You have drawn us out of the room into the house,
so that we may see with fresh eyes
what we have been storing.

We have opened the windows,
so that the freshness of air
may find its way into every place.

You have called to us through our devotions,
through the mystery of art and song,
we have listened for you in each scripture.

We have come to the throne of grace,
ever spacious and welcoming,
with the contents of our temple, offered.

We have invited your Spirit into every place
and have opened the realms of our mind
to your breath.

These are the days of Lent
and we have learned that it bears no fruit
to be too hard on ourselves.

So we have brought ourselves to you
in humble self reflection and glorious adoration
and you will fill this temple anew.

Jenneth Graser

Photography Gaby Stein

Listen to You're Gonna Be Okay by Jenn Johnson

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Turning of Lenten Days

Be closer to me now dear Lord,
than at any other time.

If I pour the oils of frankincense and myrrh 
over my heart,
and step into the water living,

I will hear the questions asked
for the turning of Lenten days.

What will you relinquish?
What will you receive?

Do we fast from unforgiveness
when we see your blood on the stones 
of the stations of the cross,
blood that has paid?

Lord, I have become a listener
to every question you may ask.

I do not watch from the sidelines,
but make myself available to you.

I do not know all of the answers, yes.

But it is enough to travel the road of Lent
side by side,
and listen to each other
as those in love do.

Jenneth Graser