Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Drawing deep from contemplative wells

My journey so far, has led me to new places of grace where I find myself drinking from unexpected wells and getting that "eyebrow rise with a smile surprise" each time I come across a new experience of finding and knowing God. 

I have included a list of Favourite Links incorporating many of these gifts which have come to me recently - you can find these as you scroll down on the left.  But I would like to mention a particular few of them here: 

Pray as you Go http://www.pray-as-you-go.org/home/ is a daily podcast with music, scripture and questions for reflection which has become a contemplative well of grace in my life.  Each day a gift of music comes to you, from different worship expressions around the world, taking you straight into the heart of the moment.  Scripture is read and questions are asked, so that you may slow down and reflect, discovering what God has to say to you.  Quiet music is played while you think over and pray through the revelations which come in this time - a ten minute or so space of peace which sets the tone for any time of the day.

Abbey of the Arts http://abbeyofthearts.com/ is an online monastery encouraging a walk of contemplative life, as a spiritual monk or pilgrim in daily creative life.  This very supportive atmosphere releases a spirit of creativity and an encouragement to explore ever deeper in your relationship with God and yourself in community with others.

I have discovered music available at the touch of a button on Tunein Radio, where you can search for the music you like and set up a profile of your favourites.  I have found some wonderful calming music for sleep or for accompanying times of prayer and reflection.  Sleepscapes - Rain is one of these: http://tunein.com/radio/Sleepscapes--Rain-s237131/ and my favourite Abacus fm Nature Radio: http://abacusfmnature.radio.net/.  But there are so many to choose from!

A daily reading site I have grown particularly fond of is Northumbria Community http://www.northumbriacommunity.org/offices/how-to-use-daily-office/ - prayers and scripture readings for the different times of the day.

These are just a selected few of the resources that have been a blessing to my spiritual walk.

Which resources have been a blessing to your life?  Please do share!