Saturday, September 2, 2017

Where I Truly Belong

I wake up to the aliveness of you
You have made me a Child of your own
There isn't a moment of less than another
We are all equally Beloved.

You are not distant as I sometimes imagine
Hope is real in the embrace of your arms
When I feel tired and full of regret
You lift me higher than I've ever been.

I am coming back to first love
And to a love going deeper mature
I am coming to the door of your knocking
And opening wide for you to come in.

The music will always be singing within me
Worship to you is ingrained in my heart
You appear in disguise in my dreams of the night
I am not hidden or lost in your eyes.

You have a unique plan and purpose for our lives
We are not losing the path or the way
Because you said that your sheep know your voice
And you are the Way and the Truth and the Life.

I am coming back to awareness
Putting all else aside, getting rid of distractions
I am entering the holy of holies
And finding myself where I truly belong.


Jenneth Graser

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

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